Abitazione Privata
Private House
- Architecture

This work envisages the creation of a residential building with commercial units ( 2 shop and an accountancy studio) on the ground floor. In particular, this building is composed of six floors, one of which is underground and used as a car park.
The main structure of the building is formed by a frame in reinforced concrete with pillars, divisors and beams schemed in a way they perfectly adapt to the curved front side set in via Sallustio. Due to this particular, the structure doesn't look regular both on the base and on the elevation.
The underground level is characterized by a surface "mat" foundation system ( 250 sq.m of surface) with propping perimeter walls in reinforced concrete, connected to the street level through a garage ramp made with a reinforced concrete base.
On the ground floor there are two types of decks: a reinforced concrete slab 60 cm thick and a side cemented base. The use of slabs system in reinforced concrete is due to the need of having three pillars in elevation which wouldn't reach the foundations depth, but would stop at the ground floor to guarantee the space needed to manoeuvre at the car park level.
Client: Undisclosed
Main Consultant: Edilfrair Costruzioni Generali S.p.A.
Sub Consultant: INEA