Metro Roma Linea C - Stazione Giglioli - Torre Maura
Metro Roma Line C - Giglioli - Torre Maura Station
- Engineering

Final structural design, detail design and site supervision of the underground Giglioli/Torre Maura station of the new line C of the Metro in Rome.
The station of overall dimension in plan of about 120x60 m is completely underground up to a depth of 30m. The bottom-up dig excavation technique required using RC slurry walls, dug by hydromill and REP props. The TBM transit into the station, took place in the open excavation, milling the concrete retaining structures where fiberglass bars reinforcement have been used.
Client: Metro C - S.C.p.A.
Consultant: Coding S.r.L.
Project Leader: Eng. Gianluca Albera (P.T. INEA)