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Metro Roma Linea C - Stazione "Piazzale delle Gardenie"

Metro Roma Line C - “Piazzale delle Gardenie“ Station

  • Engineering
Location: Rome, Italy
Date: 2008 - 2012
Status: Completed
Metro Roma Linea C - Stazione "Piazzale delle Gardenie"

Final structural design and detail design and site supervision  of the underground “Piazzale delle Gardenie” station of the new line C of the Metro in Rome. 

The station of overall dimension in plan of about 160x45m is completely underground up to a depth of 28m. The hydromill technique for the execution of the slurry walls and  the top-down technique for the excavation have offered the best guarantees in urban context. Inside the station, six underground floors have been realized by concrete slabs, supported during the construction phases by concrete shelves supported by sockets obtained into the RC concrete slurry walls.

Client: Metro C - S.C.p.A.

Consultant: Coding S.r.L.

Project Leader: Eng. Gianluca Albera (P.T. INEA)