El Khayyat Centro Commerciale 2 - Restyling
El Khayyat Commercial Center 2 - Restyling
- Architecture

Concept design for the extension and restyling of a renown Jeddah's shopping centre, which accommodates about thirty boutiques of Italian and French haute couture designers.
The restyling 'Khayyat Commercial Centre 2 ' project arises from the owners will of renewing the whole image of the centre, modernizing it and bringing it closer to the contemporary taste.
The design is about demolishing the two small buildings on the South East side to gain space for a new building, which will host other shops/boutiques. The new system will look like two commercial “corridors” arranged symmetrically alongside the lot axis.
In the wide central area, there is an old colonial style villa, currently site of a luxury boutique, which will be restored and preserved.
The project also envisages the building of a large glazed volume which is embedded in the surrounding and creates a new public space, a sort of 'covered square' where it is possible walking, or simply stopping by, while shopping. Finally, two large platform roofs fill the void between the two commercial buildings and highlight the main entrances to the gallery.
Client: El Khayyat Group
Consultant: INEA